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Some diseases require treatment in a specialized hospital, which is why you should go to your GP if you are sick when you return from your travels or if you develop symptoms within 14 days of your return. Your GP will be able to treat most symptoms and they can also test you for tropical diseases or refer you for tests. Don’t forget to inform your GP where you traveled to, when you returned, which vaccinations you had, and whether you took malaria prophylaxis.

Erasmus MC outpatient clinic for tropical diseases

If your symptoms are persistent and/or severe, your GP can refer you to Erasmus MC’s Tropenpolikliniek (outpatient clinic for tropical diseases). They have joined forces with the tropical diseases department of the former Harbor Hospital & Institute for Tropical Diseases, which has been a renowned center of expertise on tropical diseases and medical care for travelers for years. These specialists are available 24/7 for emergencies.

The Tropenkliniek and the Emergency Department assess patients suspected of having a tropical disease. Diagnosis is possible within a day and treatment can be started immediately if necessary. Your GP can contact Erasmus MC’s Internal Medicine outpatient clinic via the Secretariaat on 06 50 03 19 73. If you are a physician and you have an urgent situation that cannot wait until the next day, call the Tropical Diseases Helpline: 06 34 95 12 56 (only for physicians).

In case of urgent medical problems or high fever, contact your GP immediately. They can refer you urgently if necessary.